Useful Links SMTP plugin Website How to link to Gmail Google Cloud Objective Link the site to a club email address to enable the site to be used to generate club communication. Key Requirements are: Contributors: Posts can be made by users set up as contributors that are create in draft state and the Editor group are notiified that post is availabel for review. They can then review and publish Editors: Receive an email when a contrbutor submits a post. Subscribers: Receive an email notification when there are new posts Admin: The admin email is copied on all the email activoity so has vibility of the activity on the site Steps to Set Up Install the WP SMTP Mail plugin Select the mail platform you would like to use for all email traffic for the site. Follow the how to set up guide. In this case I have linked the site to Gmail. Connect to google cloud Create a project to enable the google mail API Follow the steps to enabel the API and create a secure client ID and secret. Copy the client ID and secret emails into the WP SMTP plugin At the end of the set up a test email will be sent to the email gateway to check it is working.